Himanshu-Tolani's Github chart

I am a Senior year student, pursuing B.Tech in department of Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Ropar, India. Field of interest are Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing , Algorithm and Data Structures. Always ready to explore new challenging opportunities. Currently, I am working on Caricature Verification and Recognition.

Last summer,I interned at Webstaff Co Ltd,Tokyo Japan

I've written code in

You can catch me here at Github

My Skills

I love to write code in order to make my life and of those around me easier, I love learning new technology and develop some of the basic softwares that actually don't exist for free. Moreover, whenever possible I try and making learning for others easier and interesting. Visualizations, a tool for geometric interpretations of some mathematical concepts. I developed this during my sophomore year.Visualizations-Repository

I love sleeping. Apart from spending time to improve my coding skills, I like to watch and play Football and Basketball. I am a Manchester United and LA Lakers Supporter. I also like watching documentaries, TV series and movies.

My Skills

I mostly write scripts that make my everyday tasks quicker or easier, but like many developers I sometimes write code just to learn from it and teach myself new technologies. Blogular is one such example. Moreover, whenever possible I utmost try to contribute towards social cause in any possible ways. Sampanna Jeevan, a NGO is one such contribution. I developed the website during my sophomore year. Apart from spending time to improve my coding skills, I generally spend my time watching T.V series, Short documentaries, TED/PyCon talks and by attending boring lectures!

< Projects / >
< Addiction Removal / >

Addiction Removal is a platform for addicts to get rid of their addiction with help of other people who have already got rid of their addictions. Go ahead, find your mentor and read the motivating blogs.

< Smart Scan / >

Android Application of Scanning Japanese Business Cards and Managing them to be used within a company.

< Block World Planner / >

Using Goal Stack Planning Algorithm to solve block world examples.

< Sudoku Solver / >

Converting Sudoku into Constraint Satisfaction Problem and then solving it and also solving it using Minisat solver along with various optimizers in CSP.

< Addiction Removal / >

Addiction Removal is a platform for addicts to get rid of their addiction with help of other people who have already got rid of their addictions. Go ahead, find your mentor and read the motivating blogs.

< Smart Scan / >

Android Application of Scanning Japanese Business Cards and Managing them to be used within a company.

< Block World Planner / >

Using Goal Stack Planning Algorithm to solve block world examples.

< Sudoku Solver / >

Converting Sudoku into Constraint Satisfaction Problem and then solving it and also solving it using Minisat solver along with various optimizers in CSP.

Have an Idea?

Either way, if you want to say just hello or have an idea and want to collaborate and build some cool stuff ,

feel free to ping me

Find me on Web at